måndag 20 oktober 2014

12 months!!!

Yes, more than a year has passed since I stopped steroids for good. Hurray!!!
It's been a rocky road for sure, especially the first 6 months. I've gone from thinking and reading about tsw 24/7 to not worrying at all about my skin (for the first time in my life probably).
Saying that it doesn't mean I'm a 100% healed yet. Don't know if I ever will be?

The past few months have been really good for me. My energy levels are higher than ever, my skin is quite stable (no flares at least), sleep is good and my mood too. I'm now able to use normal skin care products, I've found the brand Exuviance which I'm really happy with. Yes, my skin is still dry and patchy (on arms and shoulders). The warm and sunny summer helped a lot!

I've just got back from Turkey, celebrating my mom's and brother's birthday (and I was celebrating my 1 year anniversary of course ;) The sun and salty waters did wonders for my skin BUT on the morning we were leaving I could feel a tingling and familiar sensation on my upper lip... The worst outbreak of a cold sore I've ever had. So for the first few days I had to hide away from the sun. Other than that I had a great time playing around with my little twins nieces, building sand castles etc...

If you are in the beginning of your journey or having a rough time/a flare I hope this will send you some hope, that good times will come. I have no intention what so ever to "brag" or to annoy anyone with my update. I remember how I loved to read about people that was doing well, despite being in TSW, and I still do whenever I'm down and having a bad skin day.
If you feel like it, make a comment below and I'll answer you. It's nice to know if someone reads my updates and if I can encourage or help just one person it's worth continuing.

Much love to you all! 

My "little" outbreak

Sorry, I don't have any close ups

Don't know if you can tell that the backside of my knees are still sore

Me and one of my nieces :)