tisdag 5 augusti 2014

So this is what sweating feels like!

There has been a massive heatwave in Sweden for the past month (or more?). The temperature never seems to go below 25 degrees. This has made me sweat, alot! Like all the time.

This morning I went for a run at 8 o´clock, already like 28 degrees and suuuper humid. I'm in month 10 of TSW and been doing quite well the past 3-4 months. The sun really helps and the heat makes my skin more moist than ever. 
Before TSW I used to go bright red in my face when exercising and hardly sweat at all. The redness stayed on for hours afterwards as well. Really annoying cause I exercise quite alot. 
Now I sweat like crazy, my whole body gets drenched! It's a totally new but also nice experience for me.

Here is a photo of my sweat fest!